DAO and Data classes
We provide DAO (Data Access Object) and Data classes for building your own custom GUI.
Javadoc for DAO and Data classes
We have API documents for NxFilter and NxCloud.
Common methods for a data access object
We have some common methods for most data access object classes. For example, on policy,policy.jsp
we use PolicyDao and PolicyData class for manipulating policies. PolicyDao has the following methods.
public int selectCount() : The number of policies
public List selectList() : Fetching policies as a list
public PolicyData selectOne(int id) : Fetching one policy by ID column
public boolean insert(PolicyData data) : Insert a new policy
public boolean update(PolicyData data) : Update a existing policy
public boolean delete(int id) : Delete a policy by ID column
Every policy data has its own unique ID which is a number and we use this ID for finding, updating a policy data.
Insert, delete, update, select data
If we want to modify whitelist,domain.jsp, we have to use WhitelistDomainDao and WhitelistData classes.
To insert a new data,
WhitelistDomainDao dao = new WhitelistDomainDao();
WhitelistData data = new WhitelistData();
data.domain = "*.nxfilter.org";
data.bypassAuth = true;
data.bypassFilter = true;
To delete a data when its ID is 12,
WhitelistDomainDao dao = new WhitelistDomainDao();
To select a data when its ID is 12,
WhitelistDomainDao dao = new WhitelistDomainDao();
WhitelistData data = dao.selectOne(12);
And to update the selected data,
data.bypassFilter = false;
Lastly, to list data.
WhitelistDomainDao dao = new WhitelistDomainDao();
List dataList = dao.selectList();
for(WhitelistData data : dataList){
out.println(data.domain + "<br>");
Accessing data fields
Many Java developers are using 'get' and 'set' accessors for encapsulation and
additional data processing. But for simplicity, we access public fields directly in most cases. For
example, you get an instance of UserData and uses its 'name' property like the code below,
UserData data = new UserDao().selectOne(1);
However, there are some data classes having methods starting with 'get'. These methods are mostly about formatting. We have 'ctime' property for RequestData which we use on 'Logging > DNS Request'. If you use it directly you get '201507081415' but when you use its 'getCtime()' method you get '07/08 14:14'.